Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Week Seven!

Man, has this past week and a half been busy! As you can tell, my post is a little late this week, but I'll do my best to get you all back on track with what's been going on this past week at Skyview.

I had an absolutely amazing group of junior highers. They were so easy to excite, and they just loved every single thing we did. I had a really athletic group, so playing games and things with them was really fun because they were good at it and they really enjoyed it.

One thing that got really frustrating throughout the week, though, was the fact that they seemed to care about everything but God. They acted like they were bored to death in chapel, and during cabin wrap-ups they just didn't pay attention for anything. By Wednesday night I was just frustrated beyond words, and I was really started to get upset at God for not motivating them for Him and working in their hearts spiritually.

Boy was that dumb! On Thursday the guys were a totally different bunch. A couple of them stood up during Thursday morning's chapel because they wanted to serve God more than they were, and Friday night I had an amazing chat with one of the guys who had been getting on my nerves all week.

This particular guy had a huge ego problem, and during all our activities he always put his own wants and desires over those of everyone else. He thought he was the best at everything and to make matter worse, he just didn't seem to care about God at all. Well on Friday night I talked to him and he told me that he had accepted Christ on Thursday night after chapel and had forgotten to tell me. I couldn't believe it!

After he told me that we talked for probably a solid half an hour about how he could work on his attitude and put others first in his life. It was so incredibly amazing mostly because I had totally put God in a box and said that he couldn't change this kid, and he definitely did!

The other amazing thing happened later that night. As I was on the porch talking to the one unsaved guy, he looked at me and said, "Nate, I know I need to accept Christ." Praise God! It was so amazing because he wasn't pressured into it at all, it was just God working in his heart to bring about a change. It was so incredible and it was God's way of telling me to never put limits on him again. I don't plan on it!

This week is our last week of kids, and we have juniors! Though this week is already half over, there are still a lot of things that you all can be praying for. I know I have a couple unsaved campers, so be praying that God will really work in their hearts and turn them to Him. Also, I am just flat out exhausted at this point, so if you all could be praying for energy to make it through to the end of the week. I want to remain enthusiastic in order to make this week just as exciting for the kids as the first week of camp was.

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